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【Customer Success】MOMOTV: Partnering with AI Startups for 191% Annual Traffic Growth

MOMOTV uses Spot video workstation, introducing AI technology to bring revolutionary changes to traditional TV stations, creating a traffic growth flywheel, easily achieving a 191% YoY annual traffic growth rate!
3 min read

【Customer Success】NOWnews: Video Strategy Leading to 18 Million Traffic Growth

NOWnews uses Spot video workstation, overcoming manpower and hardware limitations, breaking growth bottlenecks, publishing 170 more videos per month, ultimately resulting in an 18 million view increase, with a simultaneous 2x explosive growth!
3 min read

【Customer Success】MNews: Spot Assists with 17 Simultaneous Live Streams for Presidential Election

MNews uses Spot video workstation, leveraging cloud control systems, overcoming equipment and manpower limitations, easily completing 17 simultaneous live streams during the presidential election, driving new media traffic growth!
3 min read

【Customer Success】🔥 Customer Success is Spot's Success, Creating Tenfold Value Together 🔥

2023 年,新聞媒體和運動產業工作者,透過 Spot 產製 4 萬支各類型影片!
1 min read

【Customer Success】Tainan TSG GhostHawks: A Success Story of New Media Growth

Tainan TSG GhostHawks use Spot video workstation, during the Winter League, subscription numbers soared over 20,000, and viewership grew by 35%, successfully building the brand through the new media platform.
3 min read

【Customer Success】DAAI TV: Introducing AI Fully Automatic News SOT Editing

大愛電視導入 Spot AI 全自動剪輯新聞 SOT,讓每日整點新聞碎片化,即時發布 30 則 SOT,每天省下團隊 100 分鐘的工時,讓人力價值極大化!
3 min read

【Customer Success】CTI News: Successful AI New Media Growth Case

中天新聞使用 Spot 將總統大選期間的內容即時碎片化,透過 AI 逐字稿、AI 關鍵字推薦與即時快剪,讓影片縮短至 5 分鐘內發布,即時滿足觀眾的觀看需求!
3 min read

【Customer Success】NOWnews: Successful Presidential Debate Case

NOWnews今日新聞使用 Spot 將總統辯論會即時碎片化,透過 AI 逐字稿、AI 關鍵字推薦與即時快剪,即時發佈 21 支短影音,最終帶來了 14 萬人次的觀看流量。
3 min read

【Customer Success】Mirror News: Successful Presidential Debate Case

鏡新聞使用 Spot 輕鬆操作總統辯論會與政見發表會,透過 AI 逐字稿、AI 關鍵字推薦與即時快剪,即時發佈 15 支短影音,搶佔大選期間的瞬間流量。
3 min read

【Customer Success】Fubon Financial AI Empowering ESG: The Success Story of Taipei Marathon

Taipei Marathon uses Spot to automatically produce finish line videos with AI. Within 15 minutes after the event, 8,069 videos were produced, ultimately increasing the Run For Green tree adoption rate by five times!
3 min read

【Customer Success】CTVBA: From 7K to 178K Views: How CTVBA Sparked a Volleyball Craze with Spot

A successful partnership between CTVBA and Spot led to a 239% increase in Instagram Reels views and a 31.88% growth in YouTube subscribers during the 2024 Taichung Bank Formosa Women’s Volleyball Club Invitational Tournament.
3 min read

【News】Real Madrid x Spot

Spot has been selected as one of the top 7 startups in Asia to partner with Real Madrid C.F., with a 0.8% acceptance rate! (over 800+ startups applied)!
3 min read

【Customer Success】Hong Kong Bulls: Revolutionizing Social Media with Spot's Cloud Editing platform and providing real-time highlights

The Hong Kong Bulls have partnered with Spot, incorporating an efficient cloud-based video workstation to diversify their social media strategy. This collaboration has significantly boosted their online presence and fan engagement.
2 min read

【Customer Success】PLG: Successful New Media Strategy with 1.7 Billion Views

P.LEAGUE enhances league and team efficiency with Spot video workstation, solving live streaming, social media marketing, game officiating, and ad exposure issues, achieving 1.7 billion views and 300,000 subscriptions in the video era!
3 min read

【Customer Success】CTBC Brothers: Using Video Technology to Revolutionize Professional Baseball

CTBC Brothers use Spot video workstation, bringing revolutionary changes to Taiwanese professional baseball, increasing video production efficiency with technology, producing up to 5,000 videos, driving social media traffic across platforms, creating over 42 million views, and generating substantial commercial revenue for the team!
3 min read

【Customer Success】MOMOTV: Partnering with AI Startups for 191% Annual Traffic Growth

MOMOTV uses Spot video workstation, introducing AI technology to bring revolutionary changes to traditional TV stations, creating a traffic growth flywheel, easily achieving a 191% YoY annual traffic growth rate!
3 min read

【Customer Success】NOWnews: Video Strategy Leading to 18 Million Traffic Growth

NOWnews uses Spot video workstation, overcoming manpower and hardware limitations, breaking growth bottlenecks, publishing 170 more videos per month, ultimately resulting in an 18 million view increase, with a simultaneous 2x explosive growth!
3 min read

【Customer Success】MNews: Spot Assists with 17 Simultaneous Live Streams for Presidential Election

MNews uses Spot video workstation, leveraging cloud control systems, overcoming equipment and manpower limitations, easily completing 17 simultaneous live streams during the presidential election, driving new media traffic growth!
3 min read

【Customer Success】🔥 Customer Success is Spot's Success, Creating Tenfold Value Together 🔥

2023 年,新聞媒體和運動產業工作者,透過 Spot 產製 4 萬支各類型影片!
1 min read

【Customer Success】Tainan TSG GhostHawks: A Success Story of New Media Growth

Tainan TSG GhostHawks use Spot video workstation, during the Winter League, subscription numbers soared over 20,000, and viewership grew by 35%, successfully building the brand through the new media platform.
3 min read

【Customer Success】DAAI TV: Introducing AI Fully Automatic News SOT Editing

大愛電視導入 Spot AI 全自動剪輯新聞 SOT,讓每日整點新聞碎片化,即時發布 30 則 SOT,每天省下團隊 100 分鐘的工時,讓人力價值極大化!
3 min read

【Customer Success】CTI News: Successful AI New Media Growth Case

中天新聞使用 Spot 將總統大選期間的內容即時碎片化,透過 AI 逐字稿、AI 關鍵字推薦與即時快剪,讓影片縮短至 5 分鐘內發布,即時滿足觀眾的觀看需求!
3 min read

【Customer Success】NOWnews: Successful Presidential Debate Case

NOWnews今日新聞使用 Spot 將總統辯論會即時碎片化,透過 AI 逐字稿、AI 關鍵字推薦與即時快剪,即時發佈 21 支短影音,最終帶來了 14 萬人次的觀看流量。
3 min read

【Customer Success】Mirror News: Successful Presidential Debate Case

鏡新聞使用 Spot 輕鬆操作總統辯論會與政見發表會,透過 AI 逐字稿、AI 關鍵字推薦與即時快剪,即時發佈 15 支短影音,搶佔大選期間的瞬間流量。
3 min read

【Customer Success】Fubon Financial AI Empowering ESG: The Success Story of Taipei Marathon

Taipei Marathon uses Spot to automatically produce finish line videos with AI. Within 15 minutes after the event, 8,069 videos were produced, ultimately increasing the Run For Green tree adoption rate by five times!
3 min read

【Customer Success】WeiChuan Dragons AI Empowered, 5 Million Traffic Growth in Five Months

WeiChuan Dragons use Spot AI live workstation, increasing live capacity by 700% with the same manpower, video quantity by 700%, and traffic growth by 5 million.
3 min read

【Customer Success】Mirror News AI Transformation, The Secret to 590,000 Live Stream Views

鏡新聞用 Spot AI 直播工作站,輕鬆操作拳上直播,帶來 59 萬觀看與即時產製 12 支短影音,朔造新媒體經營的典範
3 min read

【Customer Success】NOWnews AI Transformation, Breaking Free from Equipment and Manpower Constraints

Spot 直播工作站為 NOWnews 提供一站式的平台,提供觀眾更即時、更多元的影音內容,這正是現代媒體所需要的創新以及高效率。
3 min read

【Customer Success】UDN Uses Spot Live Workstation to Instantly Increase Traffic by 95%

UDN Entertainment Center's seamless operation, from easy mobile live streaming to instant video editing and AI-assisted transformation, instantly increased media platform traffic by 95%.
3 min read

【Customer Success】How MOMOTV Transformed with AI

MOMOTV 與 Spot 的合作,完美展現了如何利用先進的技術,提升影音內容的生產效率和觀眾的觀看體驗,讓直播流量和頻道流量都獲得了大幅的提升。
3 min read

【Customer Success】The Most Beautiful THANK YOU, See How CTBC Brothers Deeply Interact with Fans

CTBC Brothers use Spot AI video workstation, creating touching videos within 15 minutes, achieving 55,000 views and 150 interactive comments, deeply interacting with fans.
3 min read

【Customer Success】How to Create Massive Exposure for Live Events?

Spot injects technological power into event live streaming, enhancing the viewing experience through AI-generated live subtitles. The quick edit and publishing system can instantly produce and publish short videos to major social media platforms, significantly improving video production efficiency and event exposure. Reporters can conveniently access videos and transcripts in real-time, further enhancing media coverage effectiveness.
3 min read

【Customer Success】The Highlights You See Are Automatically Generated by Black Technology! Why Are PLG's IG Short Videos So Fast?

上半季前30場的網路轉播,共累計 1480 萬收視人次,比去年同期增加超過 100%! 數字大幅成長!大家有沒有想過,為什麼常常 LIVE 中的一個好球,沒幾分鐘就火速出在 PLG 的官方IG,而且還有多鏡頭回放,怎麼可能這麼快?
2 min read

【Customer Success】Innovative Vision: Why Mirror News Introduced Spot's AI Video Workstation?

新媒體需求與效率挑戰,鏡新聞引進專為新媒體打造的 AI 影音工作站 Spot。AI簡化製作流程、提升發布速度,降低成本、釋放人力,成功應用 AI 技術帶來巨大成功。
4 min read

【Feature Release】From One Year to 30 Seconds: How AI Video Workstation Revolutionizes Video Editing Speed

AI 影音工作站革新影片剪輯速度,只需 30 秒即可製作球星三分進球集錦,顛覆傳統製作方法,提升效率,揭示 AI 技術潛力。新媒體企業早擁抱改變將在影音世代取得成功。
3 min read

【Customer Success】Wei Chuan Dragons YouTube Explosive Growth Magic

Spot 與職棒球隊味全龍合作短影音行銷,建立串流基礎架構、導入新型態獨家內容運營模式,協助味全龍在影音世代誠騁打下基礎,將即時影像處理技術(擷取、標籤、辨識、自動剪輯)結合到串流中,以串流及短影音技術帶動味全龍商業曝光的成長。
2 min read

【Customer Success】P.LEAGUE+: The Secret Weapon for Explosive Growth

Spot 正式成為 PLG 官方串流技術合作夥伴,提供多元商業變現場景的雲端技術,協助 PLG 在影音世代誠騁打下基礎。線上直播將即時影像處理技術結合到串流中,以串流及短影音技術帶動 PLG 商業曝光的成長。
3 min read

【Customer Success】How Challenge Taiwan Provides Highlights for 6,000 Triathletes?

Spot 與台灣著名三鐵賽事 CHALLENGE Taiwan 合作,目標是用最快速有效率的做法,將原先用於團隊賽事的 Highlight 技術普及到三鐵賽事的『每個參賽者』,目標則是測試 Highlight 在直接面對消費者市場的付費狀況及反應。
2 min read

【Customer Success】KKTIX's First Live Broadcast of HBL, Combining Short Videos to Enhance Views and Ticket Rates

提升球迷優質的賽事體驗為了讓球迷們有更優質的賽事體驗,透過互動應援,打造出趣味十足 HBL 線上直播體驗。
1 min read

【Industry Insight】LINETV: Partnering with AI Startups to Boost Live Ad Revenue

LINETV implements Spot live workstation, addressing live ad monetization and real-time short video issues, aiming to increase overall company revenue, including ad revenue growth, OTT subscription growth, and social media traffic growth!
3 min read

【Industry Insight】DAZN: Leveraging Sports Short Videos to Break Social Media Algorithms

DAZN introduces Spot video workstation, establishing new media short video workflows to improve daily efficiency. The goal is to break social media algorithms through a large volume of short videos, driving DAZN platform subscription growth!
3 min read

【Industry Insight】PanSci: AI Implementation in Media Transformation

PanSci introduces Spot video workstation, using AI transcription, AI keyword recommendations, and instant video editing to improve team efficiency. Combining live streaming and short videos, it boosts channel traffic growth with the goal of establishing a new media business model and realizing the vision of a knowledge-based influencer alliance!
3 min read

【Industry】Broadcast TV Network: Working with Spot to Create a Short Video Dominator

With the introduction of Spot Video Workstations, VL sports combines well-known content such as NBA USA Basketball, MLB USA Baseball, CPBL Chinese Professional Baseball, T1 Basketball, etc., to capture community short videos to drive channel and community traffic growth!
3 min read

【Industry Insight】ETtoday, SETN, TVBS Channel Traffic Analysis - The Long Tail Effect

In an era of continuous digital technology advancement, the way new media content is delivered is entirely different from the past. Spot's AI video workstation helps these traditional media transform, creating a long tail effect.
2 min read

【Product Update】Future Showdown: Full Cloud Production vs. Traditional Production

全雲端製播正在改變新媒體行業,提供了更高的彈性和效率。Spot 的全雲端製播功能,讓新媒體可以隨時隨地製作出有品質的直播,無需擔心硬體設備的限制,並且能夠快速生成吸引人的影音內容,大大提升了內容創作的速度及效率。
4 min read

【Industry Insight】The Role of AI Tools in Traffic Improvement - Analysis of International Success Stories

在新聞媒體行業中,直播新聞已經成為一種重要的傳播方式。許多國際知名的新聞媒體,如 CNN、BBC、Al Jazeera 和 Sky News,都已經成功地運用直播新聞來提升他們的觀眾流量。在這裡,我們將分析這些成功案例,並探討 AI 影片製作工具如 Spot 影音引擎在其中的角色。
2 min read

【Industry Insight】The Role of AI Video Production Tools in the Rise of Short Video Platforms: Challenges and Opportunities for the New Media Industry

短影音平台的崛起為新媒體行業帶來挑戰與機遇。AI 影片製作工具如 Spot 影音引擎,能提升影片製作效率,快速生成吸引人的短影音內容。短影音平台也是新媒體拓展流量的重要渠道,AI 影片製作工具的強大功能,能幫助新媒體製作出有價值及差異化的內容。
3 min read

【Feature Release】Spot Revolutionizes Live Streaming with Vertical Integration, Perfect for Modern Social Media

Spot introduces a cutting-edge vertical streaming solution, merging smartphone convenience with CG graphics for high-quality broadcasts. Ideal for sports and media, it supports simultaneous vertical and horizontal streaming, enhancing engagement on platforms like YouTube and Instagram.

【Feature Release】Spot’s Recommended Mobile Live Streaming App - Larix

Larix 是款手機直播APP,提供用戶輕鬆開始高品質的直播。Spot 教你如何用一支手機就完成高品質的直播。
3 min read

【Feature Release】Seamless Vertical and Horizontal Video Conversion! No More Limitations!

在多元裝置的影音時代,直式與橫式影片轉換經常是內容製作者的挑戰。Spot 直播工作站提供了解決方案,能在直播時同時收錄圖卡及乾淨畫面,一鍵切換確保畫面清晰,提升觀眾體驗。
5 min read

【Feature Release】AI Fully Automatic News SOT Editing - A Revolutionary Breakthrough!

AI 改寫新聞媒體產業!AI 技術突破,讓自動剪輯新聞 SOT 變得可能。透過迅速辨識分隔點,節省時間成本並提高準確度。新聞工作流程更順暢,品質保證,為新聞媒體產業抓住 AI 帶來的便利,迎接未來。
3 min read

【Feature Release】The Secret Weapon for Enhancing Video Production Efficiency - Spot AI Auto Transcription

Spot AI video production tool features powerful automatic captioning, bringing unparalleled convenience and value whether during live broadcasts or subsequent video content management. If you’re looking for a way to enhance your video production efficiency, Spot AI video production tool could be your answer.
2 min read


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