Embrace AI for
10x Video Production

The essential AI powered studio for sports events, offering real-time multi-angle coverage to gain a competitive edge!
Official Partners

Trusted by over 90% of professional teams

Produce instant highlights to bring you closer to the fans!
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Overwhelmed by daily video production?

Let AI join your team 24/7

Integrate the latest AI technology to watch, listen, edit, and complete your tasks.
Live Play-by-Play Data
Auto Time Stamp Sync
Video Recognition by AI
Always a step behind in content race?

Seize the moment with instant content publishing

Edit and publish anytime, anywhere, delivering the most timely content.
Supports various social media formats
PSD template support
One-click YouTube publishing
Tired of endlessly searching for video clips?

Quickly access clips with our cloud database

Generate continuous channel content anytime, anywhere.
Digitized video assets
Clip search and merging
AI search assistant
Coming Soon
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Use case

Empowers Sports Leagues
Ultra-Efficient Production of Highlight Reels

Top sports leagues use Spot in LIVE games and conference. One editor can produce 30 highlights in 10 minutes to engage your audience.

Numbers don't Lie

Improve efficiency, publish content in real-time.

Live events
Exported clips
total views

Our clients really loves Spot.

Effectively utilizing AI for automated editing of SOT news, the team has freed up 80% of their time, allowing them to create more content that drives traffic!


Director of New media, MNEWS

MOMOTV collaborates with Spot to create a successful example of a television station integrating with a startup. By utilizing AI to generate short sports event videos, they have doubled their traffic.



In the past, we had to wait until the broadcast was over to watch the highlights one by one. But with the introduction of the engine, we can now instantly publish videos to the audience.


Social Media Lead, PLG

That's amazing! With just one click, videos can be uploaded to YouTube in 30 seconds, continuously exceeding expectations!


Social Media team, CTBC Brothers

Build for the future
Start today

Contact us now to accelerate your video production and reach more fans.
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